utorak, 08.11.2011.


Motel Piacenza : Starlight Hotel Budapest.

Motel Piacenza

motel piacenza

Piacenza-San Damiano Military Airport

Piacenza-San Damiano Military Airport

The Piacenza San Damiano is a military airport located in the common of San Giorgio Piacentino.The airport is ca 15 km far from Piacenza and is the base of the 50 Stormoof the Aeronautica Militare Italiana.
The runway is ca 3 km long and is equipped with the PAPI system.
The PAPI is an instrument helping to carry out a correct approach (in the vertical plan) on an aerodrome or an airport. It is generally located approximately 300 meters after the beginning of the runway.
The Precision Approach Path Indicator (PAPI) is a light system positioned beside the runway that consists of two, three, or four boxes of lights that provide a visual indication of an aircraft's (fixed wing or rotor wing) position on the glidepath for the associated runway. The FAA standard for the PAPI is the same as the ICAO's standard Visual Approach Slope Indicator.

The PAPI is usually located on the left or right side of the runway(at 90? to the runway centre line which are typically spaced at 9 metres apart.) Units are identical and can be seen up to five miles during the day and twenty miles at night. It has two or four lights installed in a single row instead of far and near bars that would be characteristic of Visual Approach Slope Indicator (VASI).

Each box of lights is equipped with an optical apparatus that splits light output into two segments, red and white. Depending on the angle of approach, the lights will appear either red or white to the pilot. Ideally the total of lights will change from white to half red, moving in succession from left to right side. The pilot will have reached the normal glidepath (usually 3 degrees) when there is an even split in red and white lights. If an aircraft is beneath the glidepath, red lights will outnumber white; if an aircraft is above the glidepath, more white lights are visible.

During aircraft descent, this system, along with other airport lights, may be activated by the pilot by keying the aircraft microphone with the aircraft's communication radio tuned to the CTAF.

The Precision approach path indicator is based on the Fresnel Lens principle.

Piacenza – Il duomo

Piacenza – Il duomo

La costruzione del duomo di Piacenza, esempio elevato di architettura romanica, fu iniziata nel 1122 e conclusa nel 1233 sulle rovine della precedente chiesa di Santa Giustina, distrutta nel 1117 da un terremoto. E' dotata di facciata a capanna monocuspidale n,ella parte inferiore in marmo rosso di Verona e nella superiore in arenaria, con gallerie cieche nel coronamento, e appare divisa in tre campi da pilastri semicilindrici e movimentata da loggette a meta altezza. E’ arricchita dal grande rosone e da tre ingressi con protiri. In basso, tra le due semicolonne e il portale centrale, sono state realizzate due linee in pietra suddivise in misure di sei braccia piacentine, l'unita di lunghezza locale.
La struttura della basilica si sviluppa su pianta a croce latina e si estende, caso unico in Italia, su aula a tre navate intersecate da un imponente transetto anch’esso tripartito.
Il campanile fu costruito un secolo piu tardi e nel 1341 al culmine vi fu sistemato un angelo bronzeo, denominato affettuosamente "Angil dal Dom", come simbolo della citta.

The construction of the cathedral of Piacenza, high example of Romanesque architecture, was begun in 1122 and completed in 1233 over the ruins of the former church of Santa Giustina, destroyed by an earthquake in 1117. Equipped with a gabled facade, the bottom in red Verona marble and in sandstone in the upper with blind galleries, it is divided into three areas withh semi-cylindrical pillars and it is moved by loggias at half height. It is enriched by a great rose window and three inputs with statues. Below, between the two columns and the main door, two lines of stone were made to show the local unit of length.
The structure of the church is on a Latin cross and it is extend, unique case in Italy, on the hall with three naves intersected by imposing a tripartite transept.
The bell tower was built a century later and in 1341 at the peak there was placed a bronze angel, affectionately called "Angil by Dom ", like a symbol of the city.

motel piacenza

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